I just arrived in London, am still in the arport.  Found a free computer with some time left on it and figured I’d let everyone know I’m alive and well.  Heading to the outside for a smoke and then the tube to my couchsurfing host and the Big city.  It is fogging and cloudy as I hear is the usually for London,  but I’m off to start this vacation.  Check later for more updates.

Taking you With Me

London Temp:   61

Picture of the Day

Person of the Day


Meal of the Day

Sylvia, is also couch surfing with my Host Tamar, and she made dinner for us last night.  Sylvia is from Belguim and moving to London, but she speaks french.  (Dre, I got some good practice and lessons).  I can remember what she called this dish, but it’s like ratouille in  a burito.  I have video of Sylvia making this receipe which is wonderful.  I just need to figure out how to upload it.  lol  Stay Tuned.

Don’t forget to check Scavenger Hunt Items.  I’m tired guys – jet lag kickin in.  I’ll see you tomorrow. Sight seeing!